
Get a link to download a zip file of all 14 songs in high quality mp3 format (iTunes-ready!) for just $4.99!

The long awaited Back Row Hooligans debut album of "children's music for really well-adjusted kids" is here! Featuring 13 funny songs by author Adam Selzer:

The Burning of the School
Uncle Herbert's Extra Rowdy Funeral
My Aunt Judith Smokes
Pirates Always Cheat at Bingo
Stay Out of the Toilet!
The Old Woman Who Drank Old Milk
Straight Outta Daycare
Drink Your Juice (Or You'll Get Scurvy)
Things Were Cheap in Grandpa's Day
The Three Bean Casserole War
Song to a Bratty Sister
The Mysterious Midnight Accordionist
Heavy Metal Vomit Christmas Party

Preview songs in the sidebar on your right!